Selecting Interesting Research Paper Topics On 20th Century American History: Tips & Ideas

As with any kind of educational work or academic paper, topics are indispensable elements which require students to pay utmost considerations. Very few centuries are as important as the 20th century as this is the age when US history remarkably shaped how the fortune of the entire world would be. Every sphere of the societies and nations of the world was influenced deeply by the events that took place in that century.

There are several reasons why students may forget the fact that the Twentieth Century was a highly significant age in the history of the USA as well as the world civilization. Conflicts are now everywhere across the Middle East, and Russia, one of the superpowers of the world is clearly posing threat to the existing stability of the world. Here is a shortlist showcasing some impressive ideas to start with.

Explain if the role and involvement of America was inevitable in the First World War.

  • Describe how the aftermath of the two world wars has impacted the US economy. Is it possible to draw any economic parallel with recent national conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq?
  • Was it a coward action that America made a late entry into World War II? Explore the causes why America did not get involved earlier. Describe the catalyst that led the country to a sanguinary war.
  • Explore the reasons behind the Assassination of John Foster Kennedy. Reveal the politics that caused the assassination of arguably the most popular US President.
  • Explore the reasons that prompted President Wilson to quit the policy of isolation and adopt the policy of inclusion when the World War I began. How has the event contributed to the adoption of US policy in the next years?
  • Explain if the Vietnam War was a defining moment in the history of America. Is there any lesson that was learned? Has anything been repeated?
  • Describe women’s role in the World War I & II. Explain if their role compares and contrasts with that of today’s women serving in theaters of war.
  • Critically examine Operation Desert Storm’s success and show how it contributed to the change of US warfare in the intervening years.
  • Explore the effects of President McKinley’s assassination on the American politics at the advent of the 20th Century.
  • Describe Roosevelts’ presence in the White House. Examine how it could go differently.
  • Describe how the introduction to air conditioning system in 1925 has changed the way of world history.
  • Explain the Wall Street Anarchy. Create an exposition of the likely causes and visible effects of the Wall Street Crash in 1929.
  • Examine the way the Wright Brothers’ invention of a machine became one of the most influential causes of America’s dominance over the world’s geopolitics.

In addition, students have some other options to select their research paper topics from the many events occurred in the 20th century.

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