Some Fresh Topic Ideas for a Research Paper

To come up with fresh topic ideas for a research paper appears difficult at first because you lack experience and ideas won’t come. You can of course ask your tutor or your college friends for ideas but at some stage you need to meet the challenge and develop these thoughts and ideas yourself. Eventually as you take on more assignments you will develop techniques for coming up with original ideas for topics for your research paper, which is what you are supposed to do.

Be more self sufficient

  • Read up on essays and dissertations on the research paper you have been allocated.
  • Start forming your own opinions based on research.
  • Read more widely. Be inquisitive
  • Become more aware of world and national news by searching the internet.
  • Take a disciplined approach to studying and acquiring knowledge.
  • Become more confident in yourself and take a positive attitude to your studies.
  • Do not always be asking others to help you out, you should be more proactive.

Learn to enjoy writing and searching for topics.

  • Listen to what your professor says during class if you don’t understand, ask him.
  • Read around the topic after class. Take a phrase or subject and Google it.
  • Use Wikipedia not as a quotable source but to generate information and ideas for a topic and to increase your understanding of the topic.
  • Make an effort to write creatively and avoid repetition and plagiarism. Always use your own words. Concentrate on getting spelling and grammar right.
  • Acquire the discipline to be self-generating when seeking new ideas.
  • Take a position and argue it finding sources to support your arguments and ideas.

If you become self-motivating you are well on the way to helping yourself find fresh topics for research papers. You can find websites online, which can suggest topic ideas for research papers, but these are not your ideas and they are not original. Somebody else has thought of them , not you.  This does not mean of course that you should not consult other sources so that you learn new approaches to the topic. What it does mean is that you must develop a capacity to think clearly for yourself and develop your own opinions. You can select a research topic, which is already in existence, but try to find a new angle.

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