Diabetes Research Papers: Mistakes to Avoid

When researching any topic, it is important that you make a plan of action for getting all of the required work done. Research papers can be time intensive – and working without a plan will only increase the amount of time you have to spend working on one.

Diabetes research papers are no different than those covering any other subject. With research on a medical issue, it is important to include many medical sources, but you can use a variety of other resources for information as well.


There are many options for finding sources of a medical nature:

  • Medical Websites: Websites that feature information on medical topics, mostly offered by health professionals, are a great resource.
  • School Websites: Many universities that offer degrees in medicine have separate websites for medical departments. These often feature articles and resource listings for researchers looking for information.
  • Journals: Medical journals offer up-to-date information on treatments and research findings. As a peer-reviewed source, these are very helpful sources.

Avoid Mistakes

Most pitfalls in regard to research essay writing involve research mistakes. And the biggest research mistakes most often involve either using incorrect information or citing source information incorrectly.

Always avoid:

  • Inflammatory sources: If a source seems particularly biased about a hot-button issue or new treatment, don’t use it. Inflammatory sources are most likely to inflate facts and misrepresent information about a medical issue.
  • Information you can’t source: If you can’t locate the original author or where some information came from, scrap it. It may be a misrepresentation or it may have been plagiarized. It is better not to risk it.
  • Sponsored content: In medical research especially, it is important to consider the sponsor of information. If a medical article is strongly suggesting a line of treatment that the sponsoring organization offers, skip the source altogether. Bias is a problem when sponsors mix with research – it’s better to be safe and move onto the next resource you are looking at instead.

Citation Pitfalls

  • Incorrect citations: If you know you’re missing some information from a source, don’t move on. You must cite your source completely and correctly in order to include it. Fix it or omit it altogether.
  • Incorrect use: When in doubt, quote your source. And when in doubt, cite any and all information. Plagiarism is a serious issue – always do your best to correctly cite and assign credit to the original author.

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